domingo, 30 de março de 2008
quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008
TNA iMPACT! Live pela 1ª vez!

Já anunciado para este espetáculo é o regresso do icon Sting!
Outro combate que já foi anunciado opõe o TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle contra a TNA World Tag Team Champion AJ Styles & Tomko.
Outro combate que ficará à escolha dos fans através de uma votação interactiva no site da, é o combate pelo título feminino. Os fas escolhem o adversário de Awesome Kong. De referir que a votação iniciará às mesmas horas que inicia o espetáculo, isto é 9PM em Orlando.
Iremos ainda ter durante o espetáculo mais um Lockdown Xscape Match Qualifier entre Alex Shelley e Johnny Devine.
Pudemos contar ainda com uma entrevista a Karen Angle e outra a Samoa Joe, que tem treinado para o Lockdown longe de tudo e de todos, mais concretamente California.
Existem mais possiveis combates que puderão ser anunciados durante as proximas horas.
Vamos estar atentos e anunciar tudo aqui no TNAPortugal.
quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2008
"Consequences" Creed regressa à TNA!

Creed que recentemente deu uma entrevista ao site oficial da TNA, assinou o contracto já faz quase um ano aquando da ultima participação no pay per view Bound for Glory 2007.
bound for glory,
Consequences Creed,
Mobile alerts,
Bobby Lashley na TNA?

Apezar de Lashley ter afirmado que pretende seguir uma carreira nas mixed martial arts, parece que as maiores hipoteses serão mesmo continuar no wrestling e na TNA.
As clausulas de rescisão com a WWE permitem que Lashley trabalhe aonde desejar apartir de Maio de 2008.
O que levou Lashley a abandonar a WWE deve ter sido algo mesmo muito forte para inclusivamente abedicar do salário de 7 algarismos que recebia anualmente.
Cartaz para o TNA Lockdown 2008 !

TNA World Title Match
Kurt Angle (c) vs Samoa Joe
Lethal Lockdown
Team Tomko Vs Team Cage (Tomko, AJ Styles & Team 3D vs Christian Cage, Rhino, Kevin Nash & Sting)
X-Scape match for the X Division Title
Jay Lethal (c) vs Curry Man vs Shark Boy vs Johnny Devine vs Sonjay Dutt
Womens Tag Team Match
Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed vs. Gail Kim & ODB
Black Reign's Cage of Doom Match
Kaz & Super Eric vs Black Reign & Rellik
LAX's Tag Title Shot on the Line
Rock & Rave Infection vs LAX vs The Motorcity Machine Guns
Mixed Tag Team Match
Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Payton Banks
Former Partners Collide
BG James vs. Kip James
Este é o cartaz esperado até este momento.Espera-se novidades para breve.
Christian Cage,
Kurt Angle,
Samoa Joe,
shark boy; tna;,
Entrevista com Kevin Nash

Nash foi operado já 13 vezes ao joelho e afirma estar constantemente com dores principalmente no pescoço.
"I actually have a couple of bulged discs now,"afirmou Nash. "It's actually trying to fuse itself. It's 24-7. The pain is almost unbearable."
Nash, que tem contracto com a TNA até Setembro de 2009, falou também sobre as investigações do congresso norte americano relativamente ao uso de esteroides no wrestling profissional. "Congress is coming down on us right now hard with the steroid stuff," disse Kevin Nash. "There's still going to be collateral damage from my era of guys. We'll all lose years off our lives."
Durante a entrevista Nash fala ainda sobre o futuro após o wrestling, afirmando que gostaria de se afastar um pouco deste mundo para dar algum descanso ao corpo para puder futuramente usufruir do tempo com os filhos.
"I'm trying to figure what the next avenue I'm going to go into -- I don't think I want to do creative as much as I want to do production," afirmou... "Try to branch out the brand of TNA, start to learn the TV end of it so I can go out and sell it to different countries. More the business aspect of it."
Ainda é referido durante a entrevista que Alex Shelley revelou que Nash tem sido um apoio extraordinário ao longo dos anos inclusivamente com conselhos financeiros.
Kurt Angle fala sobre o jogo da TNA

Aqui ficam as declarações de Angle em Inglaterra aquando da promoção do futuro jogo da TNA produzido pela Midway:
"The Most Authentic Wrestling Game Ever"
Confrontado com os jogos da WWE, Kurt afirmou que a WWE simplesmente não se interessa pelos produtos [video games].
"Midway made us all care about [the game], because it made us all realise how important the video game industry is for our sport,"
"WWE doesn't care, they just want to put something together, hurry it up and get it out there just to make money. We spent a lot of money to make this the most authentic wrestling game ever, and we did it."
quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008
Motor City Machine Guns na MTV

"The episode will feature Chris Hendricks, an openly gay student who performs in the choir, who wants to be made into a pro wrestler so that he can be seen as tough."
O artigo refere ainda que Alex Shelley e Chris Sabin foram os treinadores de Hendrick, que recebeu longos treinos durante 6 semanas para ser um wrestler profissional.
é esperado que outras superstars da TNA apareçam ao longo do programa.
Entrevista com o Phenomenal AJ Styles

Aqui fica toda a entrevista.
Enter cage left: High-flying AJ Styles is key figure in ‘Lockdown’
If there’s a steel cage involved, pro wrestling fans know Allen Jones will be hanging off the sides or maybe even taking that scary plummet from the top. Jones - better known in the ring as AJ Styles - is one of the stars of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling expected to appear April 13 at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell for the newly announced pay-per-view event “Lockdown 2008.
” In “Lockdown,” a steel cage is dropped over TNA’s six-sided ring and wrestlers must battle their way out. Jones is a crowd favorite for his signature acrobatic leaps, springboard moves off his opponents and gravity-defying flips from the top ropes. “Anyone who gets on that top rope and says they aren’t scared is lying,” Jones said. Of his high-flying maneuvers, he acknowledged, “It isn’t for everybody.” Jones, 30, was a football player and wrestler in his Georgia high school, but little in his background would seem to have prepared him for the acrobatics he displays in the ring. “I never wanted to be like anyone else,” he said. “I wanted to do my own thing and develop a style of my own.”
In the last few months, Jones has seen his on-camera persona become involved in a comedic story line that climaxed last week on the weekly Spike TV show “TNA Impact” with him accidentally wed to another star’s wife. The unexpected newlyweds have to deal with the small matter of the honeymoon Thursday night at 9 on Spike TV. Jones say he enjoys playing a lighter side. “It adds character to AJ Styles and I’m having a good time with it,” he said.
Some wrestlers - notably Hulk Hogan, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Stacy Keibler - have crossed over into mainstream films and TV, and Jones would seem a natural given his athleticism and charisma. He questions whether Hollywood would view his Southern accent as a hindrance.
Family life and his Christian faith are paramount to Jones. He and his wife, a schoolteacher, have two sons, ages 2 and 1.. The oldest likes playing with one of the many action figures of his father. “One of the goals I set for myself was that I wanted to have a dang action figure, and now I can’t believe there are so many of them. It’s fun to see old friends who say, ‘We saw your doll,’ and I correct them - it’s an action figure.”

Jones has appeared many times before New England fans on the independent circuit and has high hopes for the April event. “I expect the rowdiest fans to show up,” he said. As for “Lockdown,” Jones said. “You never know what’s going to happen next. Somebody’s going to crawl on top of the cage and somebody is probably going to come off the top, and usually it’s me,” he said with a laugh.
Entrevista com Booker T

Aqui ficam algumas das passagens dessa entrevista:
-Sobre o facto de ter passado por problemas com a justiça no inicio por assalto à mão armada:
"I've made a lot of mistakes, but I'm living the American dream. I'm proof that you can turn your life around [...] I was never really a bad person. I just got caught up in something. When I got in trouble, I'd never even had a traffic ticket before and I was facing five to 99 years (in prison). I didn't hurt anybody. I should have been put in a deferred program or boot camp. But I had myself to blame."
- Sobre o uso de esteroides:
"I've done steroids. They're something I had to do. I've had three knee surgeries and the doctor put me on steroids. I had to take certain things. But as far as ordering things from the black market, I didn't do that. I look the same now as I did when I was 25. I've never been a freaky athlete. I'm an entertainer, not a bodybuilder."
- Sobre o facto de ter sido suspenso pela WWE por violação do Wellness Policy:
"I never tested positive. It was a joke, I felt like I was hung out to dry. I wasn't protected. There was a whole lot of miscommunication."
Booker T fala ainda sobre o quanto ainda tem a dar ao wrestling, ao facto de querer participar num PGA Tour e tornar-se um politico quando abandonar o mundo do wrestling.
terça-feira, 18 de março de 2008
Spike TV e TNA discutem possibilidade de um TNA Knockout Show

Assim sendo ambas as partes ponderam muito seriamente tirar proveito de tal facto e estudam a possibilidade de ser criado um espetaculo semanal de 1 hora apenas das knockout da TNA.
Se realmente for avante esta ideia deveremos assistir a um reforço ainda maior do roster feminino que conta já com Angelina Love, Awesome Kong, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Jacqueline, ODB, Payton Banks, Roxxi Laveaux, Traci Brooks, Velvet Sky e Rakakan.
TNA ultrapassa a ECW nos Estados Unidos!
A TNA ultrapassou recentemente em termos de audiencias televisivas a brand ECW pertencente à WWE. Quem esteve presente no momento em que os valores foram tornados publicos assistiu a uma comemoração enorme por parte da Administração da TNA e dos wrestlers.
Apezar da TNA liderada pela Presidente Dixie Carter ter um grupo bastante mais forte que a ECW quer em termos de combates, quer em termos de wrestlers (Kurt Angle,Christian Cage,AJ Styles, Samoa Joe entre muitos outros), a verdade é que ultrapassar uma brand da WWE é um feito enorme tendo ainda mais em conta que foi dentro do proprio territorio nacional.
Em declarações à imprensa, o porta-voz da TNA referiu:
“TNA wrestling would like to thank all of our loyal fans for helping to make this happen.
“It's just one of many milestones we hope to accomplish in 2008!"
Apezar da TNA liderada pela Presidente Dixie Carter ter um grupo bastante mais forte que a ECW quer em termos de combates, quer em termos de wrestlers (Kurt Angle,Christian Cage,AJ Styles, Samoa Joe entre muitos outros), a verdade é que ultrapassar uma brand da WWE é um feito enorme tendo ainda mais em conta que foi dentro do proprio territorio nacional.
Em declarações à imprensa, o porta-voz da TNA referiu:
“TNA wrestling would like to thank all of our loyal fans for helping to make this happen.
“It's just one of many milestones we hope to accomplish in 2008!"
quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008
Estado físico de Homicide

Usando o blog do myspace, o próprio Homicide revelou dessa necessidade e mais alguns detalhes.
Aqui fica um excerto desse post:
"Couple of weeks i did a radio show and i did say i was going to take time off cause i needed shoulder sugery. Well i ready wanted to say i am getting surgery but not NOW or in 6months maybe in 2 years , my right shoulder has been a bitch but its not too bad, i been doing alot of training and puffing alot, lol j/k, so to clear everything cause i been getting alot of emails about my shoulder, im not getting surgery for now. My concern is to get in the ring and dominate the wrestling biz, Other than that 2 live and die lax bbbllaaaaaaatttttttt 5150cide."
Detalhes do PPV Destination X 2008

O PPV vai realizar-se no Scope Arena em Norfolk,Virginia no domingo 9 de Março!
Aqui fica o comunicado oficial da TNA:
Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling's 2008 "Destination X" spectacular will be held live at the Scope Arena in Norfolk, Virginia, on Sunday, March 9, airing worldwide exclusively on Pay-Per-View.
"Destination X" will feature the superstars of Spike TV's "TNA iMPACT" performing live for a worldwide audience, including Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash, "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage, Team 3D and Abyss. In additions fans will see the hottest young talent in professional wrestling today, including "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles, "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe, The Motor City Machineguns, "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, Kaz, Tomko, Eric Young, The Latin American Xchange, Awesome Kong, Traci Brooks, Gail Kim, "Cowboy" James Storm and more.
"Destination X is a Pay-Per-View event showcasing TNA's X-Division, the cutting edge of pro wrestling today. Norfolk and the entire state of Virginia have always supported great professional wrestling action and we're thrilled to bring the most innovative and exciting event in pro wrestling today to these great fans," TNA President Dixie Carter said.
Tickets for "Destination X" will go on January 25 at the Scope Arena Box Office, all Ticketmaster outlets, online at Ticketmaster.
Espetaculo da TNA em New York City!!
Ai está mais um passo enorme da TNA.
Pela primeira vez na história da empresa realiza-se um evento na cidade de Nova Yorque no dia 21 de Fevereiro.Será um House Show no Webster Hall.
Já estão definidos vários combates para esse evento:
TNA champion Kurt Angle vs. Booker T
The Motor City Machineguns vs. Team 3D
Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles
TNA X Champion Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt
James Storm vs. Eric Young
LAX vs. Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave
Para além destes combates contêm ainda com a presença da TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim e Salinas.
Se houver interessados os bilhetes já estão a venda em
Pela primeira vez na história da empresa realiza-se um evento na cidade de Nova Yorque no dia 21 de Fevereiro.Será um House Show no Webster Hall.
Já estão definidos vários combates para esse evento:
TNA champion Kurt Angle vs. Booker T
The Motor City Machineguns vs. Team 3D
Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles
TNA X Champion Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt
James Storm vs. Eric Young
LAX vs. Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave
Para além destes combates contêm ainda com a presença da TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim e Salinas.
Se houver interessados os bilhetes já estão a venda em
Entrevista ao Shark Boy

Uma entrevista bastante interessante.Vale a pena ler. is proud to have as our interview guest a mainstay of the Ohio wrestling scene and international wrestling star with TNA Wrestling, Shark Boy!
William B. West: Shark Boy Welcome to and thank you for taking the time to stop by. Our first question is sort of our standard first question. What first drew you to pro wrestling as a fan?:
Shark Boy: I just remember seeing “Rowdy” Roddy Piper hit “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka in the head with a coconut and thinking, “What am I watching?… I’ve never seen anything like this before!” It was the ultimate mix of sports and drama with larger than life characters. I just fell in love with it at about the age of 11.
William B. West: When did you first realize you wanted to do this professionally, and what made you decide to choose Les Thatcher’s school in Cincinnati?
Shark Boy: I started telling people I wanted to be a wrestler around age 12 I guess. I met Les when I was 20 and he was just about to open his training center in Cincinnati. It was a case of right place, right time. He had over 30 years experience in the business and I knew I wasn’t going to get a better wrestling education anywhere else.
William B. West: What was it like training under Les physically and mentally? How does your training methods at the Shark Tank school @ Buckeye Pro Wrestling compare and contrast to his?
Shark Boy: Both physically and mentally, it was one of the toughest things I’ve ever done in my life. Besides the conditioning, the class focused on wrestling psychology which is something that many wrestling trainers don’t even touch on. I employ plenty of the same methods in my Shark Tank program and I throw in a few other tips I’ve picked up along the way.
William B. West: You spent a lot of time in your early career working the Indy wrestling scene in Ohio which was very competitive did this help prepare you to make the jump to TNA or is it an entirely different animal?
Shark Boy: I wouldn’t say it’s an entirely different animal, but the level of competition is obviously much higher at TNA. I would certainly credit my years on the independent circuit as solid preparation for the big leagues. I learned a lot along the way that has helped me prepare for my role on TNA’s television.
William B. West: TNA comes to Ohio Jan. 25th in Troy, Ohio and Jan. 26th in Youngstown, Ohio do you look forward more to TNA stops in Ohio where you have your wrestling roots or are they just like other towns on the stop?
Shark Boy: I look forward to being involved with any TNA event, but the shows in Ohio will certainly be extra special. It’s sort of a “homecoming” for me and I know lots of fans who plan to come out and show their support for me in Troy and Youngstown. It’s also a chance for me to thank them for that support. William B. West: Wildcat Chris Harris, Abyss, and yourself spent a lot of time on the Ohio wrestling scene. Do you think it is as competitive now as it was then, and in your travels do you see many other guys in the area with the potential to make the big jump? Care to name names?
Shark Boy: My schedule has taken me to so many places lately that I honestly haven’t seen enough of the Ohio circuit to name many names. Two guys that come to mind right away are the team of “Irish Airborne”, Jake and Dave Crist. I think they are super-talented and I could see them making the big jump at some point. From what I have seen, the Ohio circuit is every bit as competitive as its ever been. There are still plenty of hungry guys out there and I think there always will be.
William B. West: I know my kids and most kids that I know that are into wrestling are huge Shark Boy: fans. Have you ever considered making Shark Boy: “edgy” or do you enjoy the special connection kids have with you and your character?

William B. West: Looking back do you ever wish you had chosen a non-hooded persona so that you would be recognized by the general public, or do you enjoy the anonymity that the mask gives you?
Shark Boy: I do enjoy the anonymity. I don’t think I would have changed a thing.
William B. West: What are your future goals for you, anything left in the business to achieve that you set out to but haven’t reached yet?
Shark Boy: There are still places I would love to go. I’ve never wrestled in Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, or Hawaii just to name a few. I’d love to see a bit more of the world while I am still young and healthy enough to enjoy it. Other than that, I feel like an overacheiver in the business already.
William B. West: TNA is on a exceptional run with the touring schedule, 2 hour Spike TV time slot, upcoming video game and more how does it feel to be a part of this at this time?
Shark Boy: Words can’t describe how exciting it is to be a part of TNA at this time. I am so grateful to be a part of the company that is truly the future of the industry.
William B. West: I’ll drop some wrestling related names and give us some brief thoughts if you would.
William B. West: Les Thatcher
Shark Boy: A well-established trainer and wrestling mind who gave me my start in the business.
William B. West: HWA
Shark Boy: My original wrestling home.
William B. West: IWA-Mid South
Shark Boy: Besides HWA, this was the first place I wrestled and along with Les, Ian Rotten was one of the first to give me an opportunity.
William B. West: Cody Hawk
Shark Boy: Despite our personal differences in the ring, I have a great deal of respect for Cody and what he’s been able to accomplish during his career.
William B. West: A.J. Styles
Shark Boy: He lives up to the name “Phenomenal” each and every time he steps in the ring.
William B. West: Traci Brooks
Shark Boy: As sweet as she is HOT!
William B. West: Abyss
Shark Boy: Also a good friend and a good wrestler, Abyss has one of the best wrestling minds I’ve ever been around.
William B. West: Dixie Carter
Shark Boy: I love working for Dixie and I’m really impressed with what she has done with TNA.
William B. West: TNA Wrestling
Shark Boy: The future force in the industry and one that I’m proud to be associated with.
William B. West: Thanks again for stopping by, on behalf of all your fans here in Ohio we look forward to seeing you and TNA in action Jan. 25th and 26th. Any closing comments or plugs? We appreciate your time.
Shark Boy: I’d just like to thank everyone for their support and invite fans to visit me online at See you all in Troy on January 25th!
quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2008
Chris Harris abandona TNA

A saída do "Wildcat" Chris Harris pode ter sido uma grande supresa para várias pessoas, mas realmente era algo que estava a se antever a algum tempo.A cerca de um mês atrás o proprio Chris Harris escreveu um artigo no blog oficial do próprio onde queixava-se da TNA não lhe deixar desenvolver. Aqui fica um excerto:
"That glass ceiling that I was suppose to break through suddenly had a trap door that fell right on top of me. Dustin Rhodes returned to TNA and cost me to lose the match with Christian. Within days I found myself locked in a feud with a re-creation of Golddust with a sick...evil twist. Nothing against Dustin...because I like him and he has had a great career, but how does this help me? In a matter of weeks I went from the main events to the bottom of the card in matches that were barely talked about. My TV time was cut in half. I was told when we went to 2 hours things would change. The next two months my matches with Dustin at the PPVs were not even mentioned when building for the show. Somehow I managed to get the task of making sure Black Reign made a huge impact in Chris Harris' expense!" "I will first say that Kurt has earned his spot in wrestling. He is one of the greatest performers I have ever seen...but how much Kurt Angle do we need. It wasn't that he wasn't good in his role because he is very entertaining. We just don't need 11 segments of Kurt in one show. (I counted one night while watching Impact)"
Neste momento é confirmada a partida do "Wildcat" da TNA e quanto ao que o futuro lhe reserva apenas puderemos afirmar que os rumores apontam a sua contratação por parte da WWE. Mas são apenas rumores que ainda não foram confirmados...
quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2008
Resultados do TNA Final Resolution 2008
Rock & Rave Infection vs. Latin American Exchange

Vitória: LAX
Cotação ao combate: 6.5 / 10
Black Reign vs. Kaz

Vencedor: Kaz
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Gail Kim [c] vs. Awesome Kong [No DQ pelo título de TNA Knockout Champion]

Vencedora: Gail Kim
Cotação do combate: 8/10
Abyss vs. Judas Mesias

Vencedor: Judas Mesias
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks
Vencedores: Booker T & Sharmell
Cotação do combate: 6/10
Jay Lethal [c] & Motor City Machine Guns vs. Johnny Devine & Team 3D
[Ultimate X-Match]

Vencedores: Team 3D & Johnny Devine
Cotação do combate: 7/10
A.J. Styles & Tomko [c] & Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash [Tag Team Championship Match]

Vencedores: AJ Styles & Tomko
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Kurt Angle [c] vs. Christian Cage [TNA Championship Match]

Vencedor: Kurt Angle
Cotação do combate: 8/10

Vitória: LAX
Cotação ao combate: 6.5 / 10
Black Reign vs. Kaz

Vencedor: Kaz
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Gail Kim [c] vs. Awesome Kong [No DQ pelo título de TNA Knockout Champion]

Vencedora: Gail Kim
Cotação do combate: 8/10
Abyss vs. Judas Mesias

Vencedor: Judas Mesias
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks
Vencedores: Booker T & Sharmell
Cotação do combate: 6/10
Jay Lethal [c] & Motor City Machine Guns vs. Johnny Devine & Team 3D
[Ultimate X-Match]

Vencedores: Team 3D & Johnny Devine
Cotação do combate: 7/10
A.J. Styles & Tomko [c] & Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash [Tag Team Championship Match]

Vencedores: AJ Styles & Tomko
Cotação do combate: 6.5/10
Kurt Angle [c] vs. Christian Cage [TNA Championship Match]

Vencedor: Kurt Angle
Cotação do combate: 8/10
domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2008
[Video] Tokyo Dome Show: Resumo
A TNA acaba de lançar um video com um resumo alargado sobre este ultimo evento realizado no Japão.
sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008
Resultados do evento em Tokyo (TNA Vs NJPW)

One Pinfall Match
A.J. Styles, Christian Cage & Petey Williams venceram RISE (Milano Collection AT, Minoru & Prince Devitt) (Duração do Combate-10:25)
NJPW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Match
Wataru Inoue venceu 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (Duração do Combate-10:17)
One Pinfall Match
Manabu Nakanishi venceu Abyss (Duração do Combate-6:00)
One Pinfall Match
Katsushi Takemura, Masato Tanaka, Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Yutaka Yoshie venceram Koji Kanemoto, Ryusuke Taguchi, Takashi Iizuka & Tiger Mask IV (Duração do Combate-8:36)
Hardcore Match
Team 3D (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) venceram Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Toru Yano)(Duração do Combate-13:12)
One Pinfall Match
Legend (Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Masahiro Chono, Riki Choshu & Tatsumi Fujinami) venceram Voodoo Murders (Shuji Kondo, TARU & 'brother' YASSHI), Gedo & Jado (Duração do Combate-7:18)
One Pinfall Match
The Great Muta venceu Hirooki Goto (Duração do Combate-13:04)
NJPW IWGP Tag Team Championship Match
NJPW IWGP Tag Team Champions Giant Bernard & Travis Tomko venceram The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) (Duração do Combate-12:50)
IGF IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match
IGF IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle venceu Yuji Nagata (Duração do Combate-18:29)
NJPW IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match
Shinsuke Nakamura venceu NJPW IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi e tornou-se campeão em título (Duração do Combate-23:08)
Combates para o Final Resolution 2008 PPV

Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage
Ultimate X Match For The X Championship
The Motor City Machineguns and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D and Johnny Devine
TNA Tag-Team Championship Match
AJ Styles and Tomko vs. Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash
TNA Women’s Championship Match
Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong
Mixed Tag-Team Match
Booker T and Sharmell vs. Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks
Single Match
Abyss vs. Judas Mesias
Single Match
Kaz vs. Black Reign
Tag Team Single Match
The Latin American Xchange vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Raven w/ Christy Hemme
James Mitchell responde a criticos

"In my view, most critics and pundits are just that because they long to be part of a pursuit they may genuinely enjoy but, for various reasons, can't. It gives them a sense of being connected and playing a role in something greater than themselves, whether they are conscious of it or not. They get a "rub". This includes 95% of all unemployed, disgruntled wrestlers who lash out at former colleagues on the internet."
"It strikes me as unrewardingly masochistic for people to spend time obsessing and bitching about something they despise instead of productively pursuing an interest that brings them pleasure. Such behavior is no different than an angry ex-lover who can't get beyond telling everyone that their former mate was an asshole."
"I've never met a critic of mine in person who didn't immediately start back-peddling on their negative opinions and I've never brought their opinions up, either. Why would I validate their existence? They just nervously tremble, look mesmerized, and offer to buy me a beer or a meal while I politely smile."
"As long as they continue to watch me on television in order to write their rants, critics keep my Neilsen ratings consistent. In their zealous quest to harm me, they wind up helping me. Ratings affect my career. Message boards don't. That's why I would like to say to the minority that constitutes my personal critics, by all means, continue to watch and bitch about me in your blogs and message boards. Please accept my sincere thanks for your support."
Shelly Martinez confirma estatuto na TNA

Senshi continua apezar de rumores

Relembro que foi noticiado em varios sites que após o pay-per-view do ultimo mês Senshi tinha pedido para ser libertado numa reunião com a Presidente da TNA.
Fonte: Wrestling Observer Newsletter,
Sting renova contracto com a TNA

Fonte: Wrestling Observer Newsletter,
Mensagens (Atom)