quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2008

Chris Harris abandona TNA

A saída do "Wildcat" Chris Harris pode ter sido uma grande supresa para várias pessoas, mas realmente era algo que estava a se antever a algum tempo.A cerca de um mês atrás o proprio Chris Harris escreveu um artigo no blog oficial do próprio onde queixava-se da TNA não lhe deixar desenvolver. Aqui fica um excerto:

"That glass ceiling that I was suppose to break through suddenly had a trap door that fell right on top of me. Dustin Rhodes returned to TNA and cost me to lose the match with Christian. Within days I found myself locked in a feud with a re-creation of Golddust with a sick...evil twist. Nothing against Dustin...because I like him and he has had a great career, but how does this help me? In a matter of weeks I went from the main events to the bottom of the card in matches that were barely talked about. My TV time was cut in half. I was told when we went to 2 hours things would change. The next two months my matches with Dustin at the PPVs were not even mentioned when building for the show. Somehow I managed to get the task of making sure Black Reign made a huge impact in TNA...at Chris Harris' expense!" "I will first say that Kurt has earned his spot in wrestling. He is one of the greatest performers I have ever seen...but how much Kurt Angle do we need. It wasn't that he wasn't good in his role because he is very entertaining. We just don't need 11 segments of Kurt in one show. (I counted one night while watching Impact)"

Neste momento é confirmada a partida do "Wildcat" da TNA e quanto ao que o futuro lhe reserva apenas puderemos afirmar que os rumores apontam a sua contratação por parte da WWE. Mas são apenas rumores que ainda não foram confirmados...

quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2008

Resultados do TNA Final Resolution 2008

Rock & Rave Infection vs. Latin American Exchange

Vitória: LAX
Cotação ao combate: 6.5 / 10

Black Reign vs. Kaz

Vencedor: Kaz

Cotação do combate: 6.5/10

Gail Kim [c] vs. Awesome Kong [No DQ
pelo título de TNA Knockout Champion]

Vencedora: Gail Kim

Cotação do combate: 8/10

Abyss vs. Judas Mesias

Vencedor: Judas Mesias

Cotação do combate: 6.5/10

Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks

Vencedores: Booker T & Sharmell
Cotação do combate: 6/10

Jay Lethal [c] & Motor City Machine Guns vs. Johnny Devine & Team 3D
[Ultimate X-Match]

Vencedores: Team 3D & Johnny Devine

Cotação do combate: 7/10

A.J. Styles & Tomko [c] & Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash [Tag Team Championship Match]

Vencedores: AJ Styles & Tomko

Cotação do combate: 6.5/10

Kurt Angle [c] vs. Christian Cage [TNA Championship Match]

Vencedor: Kurt Angle

Cotação do combate: 8/10

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2008

[Video] Tokyo Dome Show: Resumo

A TNA acaba de lançar um video com um resumo alargado sobre este ultimo evento realizado no Japão.

sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008

Resultados do evento em Tokyo (TNA Vs NJPW)

Aqui estão os resultados do evento "TNA Wrestling Vs. New Japan Pro Wrestling" realizado no Tokyo Dome no Japão a 4 de Janeiro de 2008. Participaram neste evento Kurt Angle,Team 3D,Abyss,AJ Styles,Christian Cage,Tomko e os Steiner Brothers.


One Pinfall Match
A.J. Styles, Christian Cage & Petey Williams venceram RISE (Milano Collection AT, Minoru & Prince Devitt) (Duração do Combate-10:25)

NJPW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Match
Wataru Inoue venceu 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (Duração do Combate-10:17)

One Pinfall Match
Manabu Nakanishi venceu Abyss (Duração do Combate-6:00)

One Pinfall Match

Katsushi Takemura, Masato Tanaka, Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Yutaka Yoshie venceram Koji Kanemoto, Ryusuke Taguchi, Takashi Iizuka & Tiger Mask IV (Duração do Combate-8:36)

Hardcore Match

Team 3D (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) venceram Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Toru Yano)(Duração do Combate-13:12)

One Pinfall Match

Legend (Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Masahiro Chono, Riki Choshu & Tatsumi Fujinami) venceram Voodoo Murders (Shuji Kondo, TARU & 'brother' YASSHI), Gedo & Jado (Duração do Combate-7:18)

One Pinfall Match

The Great Muta venceu Hirooki Goto (Duração do Combate-13:04)

NJPW IWGP Tag Team Championship Match

NJPW IWGP Tag Team Champions Giant Bernard & Travis Tomko venceram The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) (Duração do Combate-12:50)

IGF IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match

IGF IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle venceu Yuji Nagata (Duração do Combate-18:29)

NJPW IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match

Shinsuke Nakamura venceu NJPW IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi e tornou-se campeão em título (Duração do Combate-23:08)

Fonte: PWInsider.com

Combates para o Final Resolution 2008 PPV

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage

Ultimate X Match For The X Championship
The Motor City Machineguns and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D and Johnny Devine

TNA Tag-Team Championship Match
AJ Styles and Tomko vs. Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash

TNA Women’s Championship Match
Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong

Mixed Tag-Team Match
Booker T and Sharmell vs. Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks

Single Match
Abyss vs. Judas Mesias

Single Match
Kaz vs. Black Reign

Tag Team
Single Match
The Latin American Xchange vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Raven w/ Christy Hemme

James Mitchell responde a criticos

James Mitchell aproveitou o espaço MySpace para postar algumas ideias,pensamentos e respostas, principalmente aos criticos do Wrestling na Internet. Seguem-se alguns excertos desse texto:

"In my view, most critics and pundits are just that because they long to be part of a pursuit they may genuinely enjoy but, for various reasons, can't. It gives them a sense of being connected and playing a role in something greater than themselves, whether they are conscious of it or not. They get a "rub". This includes 95% of all unemployed, disgruntled wrestlers who lash out at former colleagues on the internet."

"It strikes me as unrewardingly masochistic for people to spend time obsessing and bitching about something they despise instead of productively pursuing an interest that brings them pleasure. Such behavior is no different than an angry ex-lover who can't get beyond telling everyone that their former mate was an asshole."

"I've never met a critic of mine in person who didn't immediately start back-peddling on their negative opinions and I've never brought their opinions up, either. Why would I validate their existence? They just nervously tremble, look mesmerized, and offer to buy me a beer or a meal while I politely smile."

"As long as they continue to watch me on television in order to write their rants, critics keep my Neilsen ratings consistent. In their zealous quest to harm me, they wind up helping me. Ratings affect my career. Message boards don't. That's why I would like to say to the minority that constitutes my personal critics, by all means, continue to watch and bitch about me in your blogs and message boards. Please accept my sincere thanks for your support."

Shelly Martinez confirma estatuto na TNA

Shelly Martinez, que a maioria das pessoas deve reconhecer como a Ariel do ECW, tem trabalhado activamente nos ultimos tempos com a TNA. A confirmação oficial ainda não tinha sido dada, mas agora através do seu proprio site no MySpace, Shelly acrescentou no calendário das actuações as datas do Pay-Per-View deste domingo e do Impact das próximas duas semanas. Shelly está a trabalhar com a tag team LAX e espera-se que seja criado o feud com a Christy Hemme.

Senshi continua apezar de rumores

Ainda não foi hoje que deixámos de ver Senshi na TNA. Senshi continua a trabalhar nas gravações do Impact em Orlando, e competiu inclusivé no X-Division gauntlet match desta semana onde ficou classificado em 2º.
Relembro que foi noticiado em varios sites que após o pay-per-view do ultimo mês Senshi tinha pedido para ser libertado numa reunião com a Presidente da TNA.

Fonte: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, PWInsider.com

Sting renova contracto com a TNA

Sting,que vai fazer 49 anos de idade em Março, acabou de renovar o vinculo contratual com a TNA por mais um ano. Este novo contracto no entanto vão fazer com que tenha uma agenda mais limitada.Basicamente tudo aponta que seja um ano de actuações mais destinadas a Tv Shows e Pay Per Views.

Fonte: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, PWInsider.com